Interview by VHSMAG, Photo courtesy of Fusion Inc
VHSMAG (V): I heard you had been off the board for a while due to injury and family time. How's your life like now?
Kerry Getz (G): Life is insanely hectic. I had knee surgery three years ago and that same month I had the surgery, my wife and I took in three of her brother’s kids and ended up adopting them two years later. And in the middle of fostering and adopting them we had our first two children. We went from zero to five kids in three years. Plus while all this was going on I was suffering from a tear in my one disc in my lower back. It's been very difficult to find time or feel great to get on my board. I try to get out a few times a month. It's still so fun!! I just don't take it serious anymore. I feel like a little kid again on my board.
V: How did the team manager for DVS come about?
G: I was hitting DVS up about re-releasing my first shoe. Once Paul Shier left they needed a TM and thought I'd be a good fit, so they reached out and we made it happen. I'm so psyched for the re-release in 2017!!
V: Now that you're the TM for DVS, how are you running Nocturnal?
G: I'm not, I have two amazing partners that run the shop and four great employees. I'm very thankful the shop is where it is today. It went through a few rough years with the wrong people involved. It's back on track and better then ever!
V: You're on DVS’s pro team list as well. How is it like doing both at the same time? How does things work?
G: I let DVS know right out the gate I'd never be able to do the skating I use to do. I'm 41 raising five kids and I don't have enough time to get on my board everyday, or feel good enough from all my injuries. But I do plan to put out some fun social media of my hectic life and show all my fans I still skate and still love it. We all get older and life changes. It's all a part of life.
V: How do you feel about being the TM for the brand you ride for?
G: I never thought I'd ever take on a TM position. I more less just wanted to walk away from skating a few years ago. But my biggest mission was to re-release my first shoe. Once I tried out the TM position for DVS it started to feel like it's something I'd like to take on. Things have been going good!!
V: How has the experience of being pro for them for so long help you with your TM job?
G: It was a easy transition for me. I always worked so well with all my TMs so I just flipped the script and made sure I'd give all my team riders my full attention and voice my opinion about how we can make things for DVS work to it's fullest potential together.
V: What do you look for in DVS team riders? What are the lines for joining the team?
G: I look for dudes with good work ethics and that are good at promoting their sponsors to their fullest potential. I also look at trick selections and most important is their style. My favorites are dudes that can skate it all, and that wanna skate like machines everyday.
V: Where are you based right now? Philly? California?
G: New Jersey. I live 15 minutes from Philly.
V: What's the daily work for you like as the TM?
G: I'm mainly working from my laptop and iPhone. Setting up contracts, calling all the new dudes we just put on, and make sure they have all the product they need. My biggest job is making my guys feel like they are at home on DVS. I want them to not wanna go anywhere else. That's how I felt the ten years I rode for DVS and I want the same for them.
V: Has anything change for you and the brand after you became the TM?
G: Yeah, almost the entire team is different and most of all I don't have to jump down huge gaps and skate rails every single day. Shit can get scary sometimes!!
V: What are the best things about DVS product and team compared with other shoe brands out there?
G: Our shoes have always been great. Nice clean skate shoes, great designs, and always have great board feel. My team is well rounded and not huge like these big shot corporate brands. With DVS you will know each rider. Other brands flow 300 people and sponsor 200. It’s out of fucking hand.
V: Is there any project or anything in general that you want to do with DVS?
G: This month is huge for DVS. Just introduced Walker Ryan and we have lots of rad stuff coming out on the Berrics. Our biggest launch this month is our United Nations with our new team. So looking forward to that!! Keep your eye on the Berrics.
V: What's the most memorable thing/project that you've done with DVS in your skate career?
G: My first shoe release back in 2000 and Skate More!! Plus our world tour premiering that video is something I'll remember forever.
V: You've experienced so much as pro skater and shop owner, and saw all the changes happening in the industry. What do you think about the skate industry today?G: Just put it this way. I miss the way things use to be. This era is a cluster fuck shit show.
V: What do you think about the challenge of competing against big shoe brands today?
G: I don't think about that cause it's impossible. I just want people to see that DVS is the same as it’s always been and I hope people start to see that and realize a brand like DVS is way more important to skateboarding then the billionaire ones.
V: Could you tell us about what Terror of Planet X is and how you ended up skating for them?
G: It's a friend’s brand. I seen his work ethic behind the graphics, and how passionate he was about making it something bigger than I ever thought it could be. It's not easy to start a board brand, and it's not easy to stick out from others. Terror did that for me. I see the potential in it and I said I'd love to ride for your brand. The rest is history!
V: Anything lined up for you both personally and DVS?
G: The re-release of my first shoe is coming, and now we have a whole new team to start promoting. Things can only go up from here for DVS. So stoked to be back on board!!!!

Kerry Getz is a skater known for technical skill and going for big-sized terrain. He currently works with DVS as team manager and rides for Terror of Planet-X. His work includes Habitat’s Mosaic, DVS’ Skate More, etc.